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Showing 8 results for Stress

Fateme Mehrabani, Farzaneh Barati, Elahe Ramezanzade Tabriz, Mehdi Bakaeian, Bahare Gholami Chaboki,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2016)

  • Abstract

Introduction: Stress, anxiety and depression have negative effect on functional status, quality of life, duration and frequency of hospitalization and even the prognosis of patients with breast cancer. The prevalence of unpleasant feelings is a risk factor for reduced survival and disagreement of treatment of these patients. This study aimed to determine stress, anxiety and depression and it is relationship with demographic variables and parental bonding with in patients with breast cancer.

Methods: The study was cross-sectional and descriptive- analytical. The study conducted on 260 patients with breast cancer referred to in 22 bahman hospital in neyshabour city through convenience sampling from October 2012 to September 2015. Data were collected through demographic information and questionnaire (DASS-42). After collection, the data were analyzed by SPSS 21 software.

Results: The prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression in patients with cancer were 66.7%, 77.4%, 51.2%, respectively. Average scores of stress (25/75±1.77), depression (19.46±10.76) and anxiety were (15.57±9.10) this indicates that patients with cancer have moderate of stress and depression and were high levels anxiety. The test results showed that, there are significant relationship between the rate of education, history of psychiatric disorders in family, age, number of children and the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression.(P<0.05). There is significant and negative association between the occurrence of unpleasant emotions and the relationship of parent and child in patients with cancer (p<0.001, r=-0.117).

Conclusion: The results of this study can help nurses based on counseling services, appropriate care and supporting So that they can provide appropriate and timely preventive strategies and planning programs to reduce unpleasant emotions breast cancer patients and improving their condition and parental bonding.

Reza Fallahchai,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Introduction: Stress due to cancer diagnosis leads to marital conflict and negatively affects couple interactions, relationship satisfaction, and marital adjustment. Studies have demonstrated the effective role of dyadic coping in the association between stress and marital adjustment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive and mediating role of supportive dyadic coping in the relationship between stress and marital adjustment in women undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Methods: The study population consisted of women undergoing treatment for breast cancer in Shiraz and Mashhad. The sample included 186 volunteers who participated in this study. In this study, the Perceived Stress Scale, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and Dyadic Coping Inventory were used for collecting data. Data were analyzed using multivariate regression and structural equations.
Results: The results showed that supportive dyadic coping by oneself and by the partner could positively and significantly predict marital adjustment. Additionally, supportive dyadic coping by oneself and by the partner completely mediated the relationship between stress and marital adjustment.
Conclusion: Supportive dyadic coping by oneself and by the partner plays a very important role in the relationship between stress and marital adjustment in women. Therefore, supportive dyadic coping not only reduces the negative effects of stress on marital adjustment and quality, but it can improve marital adjustment.

Bahman Pirmardvand Chegini , Kiyanoosh Zahrakar, Bagher Sanai Zaker ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2019)

Introduction: Being diagnosed with breast cancer is usually associated with stress, and the overflow of this stress in the form of marital stress affects the marital relationship of couples. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of an education program based on rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) on marital stress of couples coping with breast cancer in Qazvin.
Methods: The method of this study was semi-experimental and its design was pretest and posttest with a control group. The population of the present study included all the couples with breast cancer who visited Velayat hospital in Qazvin province in October 2018. Sixty women were selected via available sampling and tested. Of them, 18 women, along with their husbands (18 couples), who had a score above average on the marital stress scale were selected and randomly assigned to two groups. The experimental group received 8 2-hour sessions of education based on REBT. The research instrument was the Stockholm-Tehran Marital Stress Scale (STMSS). Data were analyzed using covariance analysis.
Results: The experimental group had significantly lower marital stress compared with the control group (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that education based on REBT reduces marital stress of couples who are coping with breast cancer.

Reza Eghdam-Zamiri, Abbasali Dorosti,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2019)

Introduction: Radiation therapy before mastectomy increases the severity of stress and cortisol hormone. Because of the preference of patients and physicians for nonpharmacologic stress management methods, we conducted the present study with the aim of evaluating the effect of ear acupressure on anxiety and cortisol hormone levels in women receiving premastectomy radiotherapy.
Methods: This randomized clinical trial was carried out on 66 patients (based on sample size formula) at Imam Reza Hospital in Tabriz during the years 2018-19. The intervention group was given acupressure, twice a day (8 minutes on each ear), for three days before surgery. Serum cortisol level and latent and manifest anxiety (the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) were measured before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 software. A P value less than 0.05 were considered significant.
Results: There was no significant difference in latent anxiety, manifest anxiety, or cortisol levels between the groups at baseline. Ear acupressure caused a significant decrease in latent anxiety (from 43.22 ± 6.41 to 33.09 ± 4.91), explicit anxiety (from 49.50 ± 5.52 to 32.18 ± 5.01), and plasma cortisol levels (from 156.15 ± 18.95 to 115.59 ± 17.80) (P < 0.005), while no significant changes were observed in the control group (P > 0.05).
Conclusion: Ear acupressure can reduce anxiety and stress (cortisol) levels in breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy before mastectomy.

Afsaneh Valipouri, Reyhaneh Amini Rarani, Shohreh Minapoor, Fariba Salmani,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2022)

Introduction: Wearing an inappropriate bra may result in damage to the breasts, various breast diseases, or skin allergies. This study aimed to change the fabric used in different components of the bra to reduce tension and increase breast comfort during normal daily activities of women.
Methods: Two types of commercial bra (a regular bra and a sponge bra) were modified in the gore, sidebands, and the back band using two different types of plain-knitted fabric including polyester-lycra and viscose-lycra. To assess breast movement comfort, we measured tension changes in the bra due to breast movements during normal activities using metal-thread voltage sensors located in three parts: under the cup, the bottom of the back band, and the bottom of the gore.

Results: The slope of the voltage-time diagram is considered as a measure of the elongation changes in the bra during movement. The slope values for the sponge bra with the sensor at the bottom of the cup were 0.0039, 0.0057, and 0.0096 for the three common movements in the experiment, and those for the regular bra were 0.0019, 0.0039, and 0.0059. Greater voltage changes in the sponge bra compared with the regular bra indicates more tension on the breast and less ease of movement under the cup for the consumer. Using polyester-knitted tape on the sides and back of the regular bra significantly reduced tension (P value <0.05) and increased comfort.
Conclusion: The resuts of the study indicate differences in breast movement comfort in different bra designs. Therefore, the appropriate use of different elastic fabrics in the design of bras for ordinary and everyday use of women is an important consideration in the prevention of breast diseases.
Solmaz Sadeghian, Yaser Kazemzadeh, Yahya Mohammadnejadpanah Kandi, Sanaz Mirzayan Shanjani, Saeed Sedaghati,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2023)

Introduction: Chemotherapy for the treatment of breast cancer has many side effects on the liver tissue. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise and curcumin on oxidative stress indices in the liver of mice with cancer treated with doxorubicin.
Methods: The present study is basic and experimental. Thirty-six female BALB/c mice weighing 20 ± 2 g were randomly divided into 6 groups: healthy, patient, patient + treatment (doxorubicin), patient + treatment + training, patient + treatment + supplement, and patient + treatment + supplement + aerobic exercise. Cancer was induced by the injection of the 4T1 cell line. Doxorubicin was injected subcutaneously on days 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28, and curcumin was given orally. Aerobic exercise consisted of 30 minutes of running at an intensity of 40%-60% of the maximum speed, 5 days a week, for 6 weeks. The training started at 14 m/min in the first week and finally reached 18 m/min. Two-way analysis of variance was used to investigate the interactive effect of exercise and supplementation on the expression of target genes.
Results: The interactive effect of curcumin and aerobic exercise on the expression of GSH (P = 0.054), SOD (P = 0.145), and CAT (P = 1.000) genes and concentration of MDA (P = 0.087) was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: It seems that aerobic exercise with curcumin may not have protective effects on the liver against oxidative stress caused by the drug; however, more studies are needed in this area.

Razie Rahimi Cham Heydari, Heman Mahmoudfakhe,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (8-2023)

Introduction: Being diagnosed with cancer is a traumatic crisis and affects various aspects of a person's life. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compare schema therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction on post-traumatic growth and psychological capital in women with breast cancer.
Methods: The current research is quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test control group design based on a three-month follow-up. The study population consisted of women with breast cancer referred to the Oncology Clinic of Imam Khomeini Hospital (RA) in Tehran between 2019 and 2023. Of whom, 45 were selected by the convenience sampling method and randomly were divided into two experimental groups and one control group (each group contained 15 people). To collect information, measuring tools such as Tedeschi and Calhoun’s post-traumatic growth Inventory (1996) and Luthans’s Psychological Capital Questionnaire (2007) were used. Data analysis was also done using variance analysis with repeated measures.
Results: The results showed that post-traumatic growth and psychological capital in two methods of schema therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction had significant differences compared to the control group. Moreover, the comparison of the two methods showed that the effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction treatment on post-traumatic growth and psychological capital was significantly different from schema therapy (p<0.05). The results of the Bonferroni post-hoc test also showed that the effectiveness of two mindfulness-based stress reduction and schema therapy was stable over time (p<0.05).
Conclusion: According to the findings, both methods of mindfulness-based stress reduction and schema therapy affected increasing post-traumatic growth and psychological capital in women with breast cancer. In addition, the comparison between the two methods showed that mindfulness-based stress reduction is more effective than schema therapy.

Saba Parsaee, Najmeh Jahani, Hamid Salehiniya, Mahamdreza Raeison,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Background: Breast cancer patients experience high levels of distress due to fear of recurrence, worry about mortality and outcomes, anxiety related to treatment, as well as experiencing physical and financial problems. One of the intervention methods used for psychological support of cancer patients is mindfulness-based treatments. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the effect of mindfulness training on emotional regulation and distress tolerance in women with breast cancer.
Methods: The present interventional study t was conducted on breast cancer patients in Birjand in 2023. this study recruited 30 subjects in two control and intervention groups (15 people in each group) using the convenience sampling method. Mindfulness training took place in the intervention group for eight weeks (one session per week and one to one and a half hour per session). The Gross and John (2003) emotion regulation questionnaire and the Simmons and Gaher (2005) emotional distress tolerance questionnaire were used to collect information. Data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 26) using independent t-tests and paired t-tests at a significance level of 0.05.
Results: The mean age scores of patients in the control and intervention groups were 46.9±12.0 and 45.8±11.7 years, respectively, and no significant difference was observed between the two groups (P=0.795). The results of the present study demonstrated that after the mindfulness-based interventions, subjects in the intervention group obtained higher scores than the control group, which was statistically significant (58.1±6.2 vs. 50.1±7.3; p=0.003). Nonetheless, these interventions did not display a significant effect on distress tolerance scores in both control and intervention groups (6.4±33.8 vs. 6.6±31.5; P=0.334).
Conclusions: As evidenced by the results of the present study, the intervention based on mindfulness has significant effects on the regulation of emotions in patients with breast cancer; therefore, the implementation of educational programs based on mindfulness can be of great help in reducing the emotions of patients with breast cancer.

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